Research Data Management
Meteorites in the FUNDus! Collection-Portal
13 July 2018, by FDM Webmaster

Photo: UHH/Cenak
The meteorites of the mineralogical collcetion with barely 950 objects are now available digitally on the FUNDus! Collection-Portal. For 684 of the 948 objects, pictures exist beside to the descriptive meta-data. The partial-collection has been edited for the portal by the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management in cooperation with the Central department for scientific collections of the UHH and the division Mineralogy of the center for natural history (CeNak).
Altogether, the inventory of the mineralogical collection of the Universität Hamburg contains about 90.000 objects of the range of minerals, gemstones, meteorites, mineral ores and rocks. Therefore, it is counted among the largest of their type in Germany. The comprehensive reference-collections provide the basis for the geoscientific education and research at the university. With the new collection, the portal (Here) now presents a selection of the object data and digital copies (Computer-Museum, Entomology, Loki-Schmidt-House, Malakology, Invertebrates 1). Further collections will follow soon.