Publication of Data
Classic publications
Classical publications are articles in journals, monographs, conference papers, etc. Many research sponsors expect the publication as Open Access, i.e. in a free version for the reader.
Please refer to the Open Access Portal of the Universität Hamburg to find out about the options .
In any case, you should enter your publication records in the research information system.
Publication of research data
In addition to classic publications, the publication of research data is becoming more important. In order to publish data, you must save the data in a long-term available repository.
The Universität Hamburg provides a Research Data Repository!
Depending on the subject, there are different possibilities and questions:
Does a special repository exist for my data? Here are some examples:
- CLARIN-D: German archives for language-related research data
- GenBank: Database for DNA sequences from the National Institutes of Health of the United States
- GESIS - Leibniz Institute of Social Sciences - Data Publishing and Registration Service
- Laudatio (Long-Term Access and Usage of Deeply Annotated Information) Open access repository for research data on historical corpora at the HU Berlin
- Zenodo - Open Access Repository for all research areas (EU)
Legal restrictions (copyright, data protection, protection periods)?
What are the requirements of the project funder?
Are there requirements of the publisher when the data belongs to a publication?
To simplify the citation of data, persistent identifiers (PID) are used, which are usually assigned as handles or DOIs.
You can get a DOI through us. For more information, see Service/DOI-Service.