Further services
Documents of Universität Hamburg
- Statute to ensure good scientific practice of Universität Hamburg (PDF)
- Sync&Share-Policy
- Open-Access-Policy
- Data management / storage
Documents of DFG
- DFG-DFG Practice Rules: Digitalisation
- Recommendations on data technology standards and tools for the collection of language corpora
- Information on legal aspects when dealing with language corpora
Documents nestor
- nestor-Handbuch
A small encyclopedia of digital long-term archiving
Eds.: Heike Neuroth, Achim Oßwald, Regine Scheffel, Stefan Strathmann, Karsten Huth
Version 2.3, 2010 - Long-term archiving of research data
An inventory
Eds.: Heike Neuroth, Stefan Strathmann, Achim Oßwald, Regine Scheffel, Jens Klump, Jens Ludwig
Version 1.0, 2012
English Version: - Digital Curation of Research Data
Experiences of a Baseline Study in Germany
Eds: Heike Neuroth, Stefan Strathmann, Achim Oßwald, Regine Scheffel, Jens Klump, Jens Ludwig
Version 1.0, 2013
Collaborative Work
Data exchange
- GigaMove: https://gigamove.rwth-aachen.de/de
A file to be transferred can be uploaded to the GigaMove server by the sender via the GigaMove service, which is operated by RWTH Aachen University and can be used by employees of the Universität Hamburg via their UHH-B identifier within the framework of DFN-AAI. The recipient receives an e-mail with a link to download the file. After seven days, the data is automatically deleted from the GigaMove server.
- UHHShare
- Dateianhang-Uploader für übergroße Dateianhänge am RRZ
50 GB in UHHShare - the alternative for DropBox and Co.
- DFN -Organiser - Data-efficient alternative to Doodle
Licenses and Copyright
- Out of Copyright - a calculator to determine the copyright status of works.
- CC-License-Tool - a tool to select suitable Creative Commons licenses for your own works.
Consent forms
Are you planning a survey, sound and / or film recordings? Then you need templates for the declaration of consent, the online tool Consent Form Wizard will help you here.
Other helpful materials
- Leitfaden "Bildrechte in der kunsthistorischen Praxis" (2. Auflage, 2022)
- Legal issues in Open Science - a guide (Hamburg University Press)
- information platform "Forschungsdaten.info" of the bwFDM-Info project
- HRK recommendations for handling research data
- Legal handout for the humanities (DARIAH-DE Working Papers)
- Guidelines for Planning the Digitization of Rare Book and Manuscript Collections
- License Selector (find the right open license for data or software)
- data and metadata formats in the specialist disciplines (DARIAH-DE)
- CLARIN Legal Helpdesk
- Digital Preservation Handbook the Digital Preservation Coalition (UK)