How do I benefit as a Researcher?
When applying for a research project, a data management plan (DMP) and appropriate advice on the subject of RDM can be used to show which measures are to be taken to secure the data in the long term and, if necessary, to make it available for further use by other researchers. Upon completion of your research project, you will receive proof of the implementation of the data management plan. RDM is a building block for success of your application.
The research data are kept for at least 10 years after the project period. Local data storage and the necessary backup on other / new data carriers are no longer required. Problems such as "outdated file formats", "insufficient documentation" and "data loss" are avoided. It is not necessary for you to work on media-related special tasks.
The structured and metadata-enriched storage of research data facilitates the recovery. By means of unique identifiers (ID) and permalinks, the citation of data is also possible (data paper). In addition, the transfer to other scientists is easy.
By linking different platforms (FIS and RDM) it is possible to use once captured metadata (person master data, project data, publications, research data) in different contexts. As an example include publications and projects on your personal web pages in the web-content management system FIONA (FIS-BOX), which can be automatically filled from the FIS. Open access publications are also automatically imported from the FIS into the open access portal of the UHH and all FIS and RDM content into the Hamburg Open Science Portal. The compilation of the UHH bibliography can be carried out directly from the FIS, or even be queried continuously via a website. The basic data for the Hamburg Professor's and Professor's Catalog (HPK) could also be handed over from the FIS to the HPK.
The RDM Center also provides services in the field of digitization and the long-term availability of research platforms, software and web applications (e.g., online dictionaries) that are the result of research projects.