Research Data Management
Research Information System started
13 November 2018, by FDM Webmaster

Photo: UHH/Schneider
The Research Information System (RIS) of the Universität Hamburg has been activated. Research data are currently and systematically required in the context of applications, in reports, for statistical purposes as well as for the public image.
The RIS offers the opportunity to collect data on publications, third party funded projects and other scientific actitivies in a structured way as well as the opportunity to use these for Websites or statistical functions. The RIS already contains data of administrative systems, like personal data, third party funded projects and the organizational structure of the university. Publication data of the university's bibliography (2009-2017) are integrated, too.
The next steps will be:
- The webmanagement system FIONA will be connected to the RIS to show contents of the RIS directly on the particular personal websites.
- The activation of a public portal with research data
- The presentation of all the open-access-publications in the open-access-portal and
- The creation of the university's bibliography from the RIS
The university management strongly asks you to verify the data available in the RIS and to inform the RIS-team about discrepancies. This is required for a complete data capturing to develop the full positive potential of the RIS. You are also asked to currently enter publications and activities or to coordinate with your library for a entry. You can both adopt publications of different external databases and enter them directly. The RIS team is willingly supporting you for the integration of older publication-lists.
You can find all registration information, questions and answers, the establishment agreement passed by the staff councils and contact information to the RIS-team in the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management on the webiste: