Research Data Management
Copyright and Licensing
24 August 2021, by FDM Webmaster

Photo: CC-BY
On August 23, 2021, the online workshop “Copyright and Licensing for Research Data” was organized by the "UAG Schulungen/Fortbildungen der DINI/nestor-AG Forschungsdaten" in cooperation with the bw2FDM. Legal aspects in dealing with research data are a challenge for researchers, but also for teachers and advisors. In the two-hour online workshop, Peter Brettschneider from bw2FDM gave an introduction to copyright and licensing in collaboration with colleagues from UAG. More than 170 participants signaled the great need for training and advice on a legal level and gave only positive feedback. This was also shown in the final question and answer session. The training materials (the presentation slides, the textbook, the practical exercise including the resolution, as well as the questions that were used in the Slido quiz) are available from (Zenodo) and linked to the website of the workshop. UAG intends to offer further online workshops. Please send suggestions for topics to Juliane Jacob(juliane.jacob"AT"