Research Data Management
Research Data Management on Tour
3 May 2022, by FDM Webmaster

Photo: Jacob
Research data management goes on a journey
Today the "MS Wissenschaft" starts a tour through Germany. Under the motto "Nachgefragt!", the hands-on exhibition gives visitors exciting insights into research work. Also on board is an exhibit from the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management.
Today the "MS Wissenschaft" as part of the "Wissenschaftsjahr 2022 – Nachgefragt!" started this years tour. The departure is in Berlin and MS Wissenschaft leads through more than 30 cities in Germany. Via Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg to Frankfurt (Main) in Hesse, where the tour will end on September 16th. The exhibition consists of more than 30 exhibits. One of them was designed by the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management. Scientific work with research data is illustrated for visitors.