Research Data Management
Minerals in the FUNDus! Collection Portal
26 April 2022, by FDM Webmaster

Photo: UHH/ FDM
We are very pleased to present 32 type specimens from the minerals collection of the Universität Hamburg in the FUNDus! Collection Portal. This collection currently comprises 1.600 minerals. The selected minerals and there scientific description were extracted from the Type Specimen Catalogue Germany operated by the Mineralogical Museum in Hamburg. Data and information in this catalogue are compiled by the members of the working group "Mineralogical Mueseums and Collections" of the German Mineralogical Association (DMG).
The Mineralogical Collection of the University of Hamburg comprises around 90,000 objects, making it one of the largest of its kind in Germany. 2814 Objekte are currently presented within the FUNDus! Collection Portal.