Research Data Management
Kuzmina Archive in the Fundus Collection Portal
16 August 2023, by FDM Webmaster

In cooperation with the INEL Project (INEL – Grammars, Corpora and Language Technology for Indigenous Northern Eurasian Languages) we are pleased to give you an insight into the digitized handwritten field notes of the Kuzmina Archvie in the FUNDus! Collection Portal.
The Kuzmina Archive houses a collection of handwritten field notes and audio recordings compiled by Angelina Ivanovna Kuzmina (1924-2002) between 1962 and 1977 on the Selkulp language, an endangered Samoyed language from the Uralic language family. For access to further resources please check the INEL resources website.
The project is carried out by the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg in cooperation with the University of Hamburg.