Research Data Management
Happy Birthday
1 April 2022, by FDM Webmaster

Photo: CC0
Dear members of the Universität Hamburg,
on April 1, 2017, the Center for sustainable Research Data Management (ZFDM) was founded. We would like to take the 5th anniversary as an opportunity to look back and at the same time take a look into the future.
The ZFDM supports scientists in the selection and use of digital tools and services in the area of research data and research information, so that the entire research data cycle is accompanied from the application phase to the conclusion of the research project and beyond to archiving.
Since 2017, the ZFDM has been responsible for the research information system, which has been in operation since 2018. At that time 18,000 publications were entered, today around 55,000 publications are listed.
The research data repository, which has been in operation since April 2019, has also been very well received and now has 1,362 entries, around 1,000 of which are open data. This also includes a service for assigning digital object identifiers (DOI).
Anyone who would like to create a database and web application for their research data can use the web-based database system "Heurist". This is a collaborative open-source web database system for ingesting, managing, analyzing, visualizing, publishing and archiving heterogeneous and complex linked research data, operated directly by the ZFDM.
The FUNDus!-collection portal has set itself the task of making objects available in digital form in close cooperation with the central office for scientific collections. More than 31,000 entries from 22 collections from different departments provide fascinating insights into drawers, cupboards, safes and showcases at Universität Hamburg using photographs and descriptions. It's worth a visit.
With the organization of the "Open Repositories" in June 2019, one of the largest international conferences in this area with over 500 participants succeeded to Hamburg and to Germany for the first time. An internal FDM Day took place in December 2019 to actively engage with interested scientists to start a conversation in the area of Hamburg. This project by "Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung und Bezirke" (BWFGB), Universität Hamburg and the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SUB) to implement the open access strategy of the Freien- und Hansestadt Hamburg with funding from the Hamburger Senat was 2018-2020 managed by the ZFDM and temporarily expanded the center by seven more colleagues.
A central concern of the ZFDM is to strengthen the data culture at Universität Hamburg with concrete services and offers so that it is as open as possible and to create awareness for the requirements of third-party funders. Among other things, 24 training courses and workshops were held for this purpose. These were mainly aimed at doctoral students, post-docs and senior scientists. In order to impart FDM knowledge as early as possible, the „Early Education for Data Management Decisions“ project will start on June 1, 2022 in collaboration with the Faculty of Education, funded by the Digital and Data Literacy in Teaching Lab (DDLitLab) project. In the coming summer semester, three workshops for bachelor students in faculty of education and two for doctoral students of the WiSo faculty are already planned.
The medium-term planning of the ZFDM envisages an expansion of the content of the FIS and in particular the activation of the extensive FIS portal currently under development. In the area of RDM, a new version of the research data repository will offer new interesting functions. And of course all proven offers will be continued.
We would be happy to support you in every phase of your research project. Feel free to contact us. The team from the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management.