Research Data Management
FORGE 2021
19 August 2021, by FDM Webmaster

Photo: forge2021
From September 8 to 10, 2021 the conference: "Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften" (FORGE21) will be held by Universität zu Köln.
The center for sustainable research data management will have a contribution on Thursday, September 9th from 2pm to 2.30pm by Kai Wörner ("Vom Speziellen ins Generische und wieder zurück: Wie fachspezifisch muss ein FDM-Zentrum sein?") and on Friday, September 10th from 10 am to 10:30 am by Juliane Jacob ("Dreistufiges Konzept zur Beratung und Schulung von Forschungsdatenmanagement").
Registration is possible up to and including September 5th via ConfTool possible. The conference takes place digitally via Zoom and Gather. Participation is free of charge.